Monday, August 12, 2024

Update - August 13

Quite a few of the original members from when the blog first started are now back in, and I'm sending out Blogger invites daily to different people, slowly we're all getting back together. Don't forget to post a comment when you first arrive back into this new look blog, so I know who has made it and who has been left behind. Many of the old members have changed their emails, so it's taking me a bit of time to reach them. 

It's my birthday in 2 day's time (August 15) so my wife and I are driving down to Pattaya for 5 nights. I'm not going to start posting any new compilations until after we return back home, which will be around the middle of next week. This will give time for others to get onboard. It will also give me a break after this recent disturbance. Once I resume posting we'll return to the usual schedule, which is 2 compilations every second or third day.


OK welcome back. As you all know originally my blog was private. The main reason for being private was I can't be bothered dealing with dickheads and anonymous keyboard warriors. I just don't have any time in my life for that sort of bullshit. Anyway, some time ago I went public as I wanted to build a bigger following, but I always kept the thought in my head that if anything adverse happens I'll immediately revert back to being private. I'm now being targeted by an anonymous troll (I'm pretty certain I know who he is) so it's time to lock up the fortress and be a private blog again.

Most of the regulars should still be able to access the blog as your email addresses remain in my settings from when the blog was private in the past. There are some new people and I have sent out blogger invites.

Now that the blog is private again I need to know who has access and who doesn't, so if/when you get into the blog let me know, make a comment telling me who you are and that you're here OK.

Obviously as the blog is now private again there is no need to password lock the folders, so disregard all previous plans for a password.

Anyway my friends, that's the situation. Soon everything will settle down and we'll get back to normal.

Regards to all,



  1. It's Ok for me, thanks for the invitation Bob!

  2. I can login Bob Mac, disregard my mail about the password and thanks

  3. Private is better. Best wishes, Maren

  4. Ok all is now working ok Bob, will email you later.

  5. All's working well here Bob as well as DH free!

  6. Thanks for the invite .. looking forward to hearing more of your fine compilations.

  7. Thanks Bob. Just a shame you get hassled by some dickhead.

  8. Thanks for all your efforts, Bob. Works fine for me.

  9. Hope you continue...thank you!

    1. Cheers Frank, everything will continue in a few days.

  10. Trolls leach, have small dicks and contribute nothing. Glad to see that you are continuing.

  11. Btw, this background is much better than the black one before. At least for me it was almost unreadable when the sun was shining. Thanks a lot for changing it again to a better colour.

    1. Yes I like it much better too Maren, yesterday I tried all the options and this one I liked best, as you say, easier to read.

  12. Hi Bob, all is A-OK for me, hope things settle down for you soon, All the best Mike.

  13. All is OK for me here. Thanks again for all your work and effort with this blog.

  14. Hi Bob .Many thanks for the invite and look forward to many more Country Issues to come. All the best Cobber.

  15. Hey Mr Mac: Good seeing you on the flip-side.

  16. Hi Bob, Everything seems to be working here!

  17. I agree with you Bob, there are so many profiteers and crooks on the internet

    Rene Hofmann

  18. I am happy that I have access to your blog. Thank you Bob. Rene Hofmann

  19. no email bob can you try again........thanks !

    1. cabledogg2, you don't need any emails, you're already into the blog, there's no PWs now - no longer needed as we're private. OK?

    2. oh okay i thought i need a PW to login once you go private............thanks Bob

  20. I'm honoured to be here Bob, thank you. Just a small portion of rockabilly for me please......just a bit more.....more.....more....

    1. Cheers Eddie, plenty more rockabilly coming your way soon.

  21. Happy birthday in advance. Though we all should get a b`day present from you in the form of a Jazz or Country music compilation ... lol ...

  22. Happy Birthday Bob, Have a relaxing and enjoyable time off from all the Crap that's going on and hopefully all will be back to normal when you return!! Mike. 🎉🥳✌️

  23. Well, Bob, I appear to have survived the transition back to "private"! It's too bad about the asshole who's targeting you, but you can be sure that the vast, overwhelming majority of people who come here are on your team and genuinely appreciative of all the work you put into the blog. Happy (upcoming) Birthday, and hope you enjoy your break in Pattaya.

    1. Cheers Crab Devil, yes, an anonymous asshole, unfortunately when someone like that can post comments here the only thing I could do is go private, otherwise I'd be dealing with the prick every day.

  24. Here, and sorry that happened to you. Recently took over a dormant blog and its private and staying private for this very reason.

    1. Hi pmac, yep private is much better, I had actually been considering going private before this incident.

  25. Hi Bob, just got back from 3 weeks in the US and had not checked the blog during that time so this is just to let you know I'm able to access the blog now that it's back in private mode.

    1. Hi Mike, hope you had a great time back in the windy city, and glad you're back into my blog ok. I'm currently in Pattaya but will be home in a couple of days and will resume posting then. 👍

  26. t works for me. Always a pleasure to discover and listen to your compilations. Good continuation...

  27. Hi Bob, I don't see any new posts since August 11, so I guess I need log-in directions for the new site. I hope this eliminates the distractions from Music.

    1. Hi tsi&hrjs, no new site. You're in the right place already. I've just been enjoying a break and new posts are coming soon.

    2. OK, no problem! Take your time.

  28. since finding your site and others I am amazed at the music that is around that was not played on commercial radio. What a lot has been missed Mdc
