Sunday, September 22, 2024

 Bob's Chat

Sunrise over NW Australia

Well, greetings from Perth, Western Australia. I arrived back here yesterday morning and have been flat out shopping and cleaning. Also it was a night flight from Bangkok to Perth and I just can't sleep sitting up on a plane, so I missed out of Friday night's sleep. Last night however (Saturday), after a few beers, I had the most wonderful night's sleep.  

A few people have asked me what happened with The Basement/Buzzment. When I first set it up many moons ago the idea was for it to be a simple chatbox or comment page, like many other blogs have, where you can make requests and post links to albums you wish to share with others. However, it soon morphed into a whole new blog, which I had very little involvement in as I already have my own blog. But, last week it all came to an end as the team who were running it decided to move on to other things. They did an excellent job and shared lots of interesting things with us. I certainly picked up a few albums for my own collection. So I'd like to wish them all the best and thank them for the great job they did.

Anyway, The Buzzment was closed and I have now returned to my original plan of having a simple comment page where you can make requests and post links to albums you wish to share with others. You'll find the link on the right to "Bob's Cellar", there are already a few good things there, so have a look and help yourselves. Don't forget this is open for anyone to share, and any genre, so if you have an album you think others will enjoy just upload it to one of the many free file hosting sites that are available and put the link in the comments in Bob's Cellar. 

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