Thursday, February 27, 2025

I don’t check the download stats often, but when I do I'm delighted to see the numbers are increasing all the time, therefore the music I'm sharing is reaching so many people all around the world. However, it's a bit disappointing that there are so few comments or simple words of thanks to show a bit of appreciation.

Here's a fine example: "Marianne Faithfull Live In Hollywood", posted on January 31, has so far been downloaded 119 times, yet only 3 people said thanks. Therefore 116 people just took a copy and couldn't be bothered to spend a few seconds of their time typing thanks.

Anyway, I just want to let you know that a few more "thank you" comments would be appreciated.


  1. Replies
    1. Mr Mac... thats the lament of every blog author since antiquity. We still luv's yah, and you us!

    2. Too true Moezeke, I just thought I'd give them a nudge :-)

  2. I got the message :) I only discovered your blog fairly recently and I'm very impressed with the work you put in and the resulting quality. Many thanks.

    1. Nice to hear from you bluesandrhythm, glad to hear you enjoy it here.

  3. Unfortunately that has always been the case Bob - I'm not sure what it says or means.

    1. Hi Ballas, yes unfortunately always been the case, however it seems to be getting worse, judging from what I see around all the music sharing blogs.
